The best day of the entire year is approaching. Aquabear Legion’s annual Pancake Breakfast is Sunday, January 29th at ARTS/West in Athens, Ohio! Last year we decided it made sense to involve the unbelievable local food community here in the Athens area with our fundraiser to help support unbelievable local music and the best day of the year became even better. ALL WEEK we will be spotlighting the local food producers and businesses we are working with this year. See you all at the Aquabear Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, January 29th from 1:00pm-4:00pm at ARTS/West, 132 West State Street in Athens.
Snowville Creamery is a magical thing. The provide the milk for our pancake mix, the half and half for the coffee, and their heavy whipping cream is made into homemade butter and whipped cream by Sherri. Also, Snowville always sends along extra milk for drinkin’ and this year we are really excited to have their new chocolate milk too. Snowville makes some amazing stuff and its available all around Ohio and even as far as Washington DC. Check out their website and Facebook page, but more importantly find out where you can buy their products! Here’s a quick look at Snowville in their own words after the break.
“Snowville Creamery is a small scale fluid milk processing plant located on a pasture based dairy farm in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Meigs County. Our company processes and bottles milk and cream from local farmers who use sustainable farming practices. The main sources of our milk are the Dix/Hall farm (where we are located) and Hamm Valley farm in Racine, Ohio.
Our goal is to bring milk to the market in as close to its natural state as possible. We seek to provide milk the way it used to be. The milk is sold at a reasonable price making it available to as many as possible; good food for all. We strive to make delicious milk that consumers do not have reservations about drinking. We would like to think of it as better milk for our children. Snowville Creamery is designed to minimize the impact of dairy processing on the environment. Our business strives to be an active member of our community. We have been helped tremendously by our supportive community and, therefore, feel the need to give back to them with donations of time and resources. We pay a premium to our dairy farmers in recognition of the higher value of grass based milk. We strive to pay a living wage to our employees and to treat the m with respect and dignity. We view our relationship with our farmers and employees as a partnership. We support transparency and truthfulness. If a farmer treats their land, animals, and employees with respect, they have no fear of public scrutiny. So, love your food, love each other.”
Thanks Snowville!