So, we have 8 days left to go in our Kickstarter campaign to fund our new comp, Aquabear Volume 4, and we have raised 124% of our goal. That’s a whopping $935 from 33 donors. Needless to say, we are floored, humbled, and amazed. Thank you so much.
Todd and Brian have begun work on the comp, having received the awesome artwork from our friend, Jed Collins and songs from nearly all of the 30+ musicians and bands involved. It’s quite an undertaking, but we cannot wait for you to see (and hear!) the finished product.
- The industrious young men that make up Southeast Engine have released a real gem of a record this week, Canary. This week only, you can listen to the full album over at AOL Music Spinner. You can catch SEE in LA tonight at Spaceland, and tomorrow in San Diego before they begin to wind their way back east. Full tour dates can be found here.
- Athens’ own Duke Junior and the Smokey Boots are battling it out to be named the best band in the Midwest by Billboard. Give ’em a hand by voting, and make sure to spread the word!
- Aquabear ex-pat Justin Noga reviews Wheels on Fire’s Cherry Bomb EP, shares tales of an afternoon in a Seattle public library.
- It’s April, which means Blackoutfest is coming. If you know anything about the music scene in Athens, you can appreciate how very exciting that is. Zach’s excited.
- Athens DIY dudes Cop Hugger now have their last album up on Bandcamp, and we just learned that they’re releasing a new album in May! Check it out, good tunes for cheap!
- Next week is ACRN Week. For an explanation, go to
Is tonight really the last Dance or Die? I smell April foolin’, but we’ll have to see. Make sure to keep your Sunday afternoon clear, and come out to Casa for the Benefit to End Alzheimer’s. Christ Biester, Rattletrap, and Mike Elliott (yesss!) are playing an early afternoon show and collecting donations for the Alzheimer’s Association. We’ll see you there.