The best day of the entire year is approaching. Aquabear Legion’s annual Pancake Breakfast is Sunday, January 29th at ARTS/West in Athens, Ohio! Last year we decided it made sense to involve the unbelievable local food community here in the Athens area with our fundraiser to help support unbelievable local music and the best day of the year became even better. ALL WEEK we will be spotlighting the local food producers and businesses we are working with this year. See you all at the Aquabear Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, January 29th from 1:00pm-4:00pm at ARTS/West, 132 West State Street in Athens.
Shagbark Seed & Mill make spelt flour that make our pancakes! And they make a lot of other fantastic things too like tortilla chips, black beans, and more. You can find their products at Casa Nueva and in Avalanche Pizza, and of course weekly at the Athens Farmers Market.
From their website, “Shagbark Seed & Mill Co. was launched by the Appalachian Staple Foods Collaborative (ASFC) as its first business toward building a sustainable staple food system model in our region. Shagbark Seed & Mill Co. key function is in having the necessary processing equipment to turn out dry beans and grain, seed, and flour for consumers. Shagbark’s line of flour, dry beans, and whole grain will lay the foundation for adding cereals, mixes, and breads in the next year. Among our most recent new products are 100% whole spelt artisan bread and corn tortilla chips and crackers.”